Why You Might Need A Non-Durable Power Of Attorney
A Non-Durable Power Of Attorney is usually established to achieve a specific financial or legal goal. (For example: If your signature is needed on a financial or legal document, but you cannot be present to physically sign the document.)

Reasons For Establishing A Non-Durable Power Of Attorney
You might consider establishing a Non-Durable Power Of Attorney if you cannot be present to sign or execute certain documents or dealings, and need someone with legal authority to act on your behalf.
Reasons To Establish A Durable Power Of Attorney Rather Than A Non-Durable Power Of Attorney
If you should become incapacitated or incompetent before the specific transaction is to occur a Non-Durable Power Of Attorney will expire, and the agent will not be able to act on your behalf. For this reason, many legal professionals encourage naming a Durable Power Of Attorney instead.
When A Non-Durable Power Of Attorney Goes Into Effect
This goes into effect as soon as the document is signed and expires if/when you are declared mentally incompetent or die, whichever comes first. You may revoke a Non-Durable Power Of Attorney at any time.
For form information on this topic check out these articles: All You Need To Know About Naming a Power of Attorney | How To Name A Power Of Attorney | How to Choose a Power of Attorney
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