This Simple Workshop Exercise Inspired A Healthy Guy To Create A Will, Trust and Advance Directive
What if you were facing certain death and only had one minute to express everything to all your loved ones? One minute… GO!

Would you be able to convey everything you needed to? How to access all your important information? How you felt about each person in your life? Basic instructions on what you want done with your body? It's almost panic attack inducing, right?
This simple workshop exercise, and the unsatisfying letter he wrote, was a wake-up call for writer/actor/creativity coach Steve Harper:
"That awkward letter was a wake-up call. I wanted to leave clear instructions behind. I needed to create a will.
What a drag. I’d rather put it off. I’d rather not think about my own death."
But Harper persevered and he eloquently detailed his experience, which perfectly (and succinctly) explains why a healthy guy felt the need to create a Will, Trust and Advance Directive. He also had conversations with friends and loved ones when it came to naming a Health Care Proxy, Power Of Attorney, and Executor.
The good news is, most of us will never be in a situation where we only have one minute to complete all our planning. The bad news is half of us die without leaving a Will or any instructions behind. Harper admits it was difficult to face his own mortality, but in the end "pushing through the denial and the awkwardness will make my passing a little more manageable for those I leave behind."
[via The Good Men Project]
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