Quiz: Would You Make A Good Health Care Proxy?
Being a Health Care Proxy is a huge responsibility and can also be an incredible burden. Take this quiz to find out if you’re up to the task.

A Health Care Proxy, which is one of the major components of an Advance Directive, is the primary decision maker when an incompetent patient is facing life and death circumstances. They make tough choices concerning treatment options, insurance benefits, and life support. See if you're up for it by taking this quiz.
According to the American Bar Association’s Commission on Law & Aging, less than one-third of the adult population has a Living Will or other Advance Directive. It’s time to change this sad statistic, so follow these steps:
- Go here to find your State’s Advance Directive form
- Fill it out
- Store it someplace safe and accessible. (Like in your Everplan!)
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