How To Name A Trustee
Generally, Trustees are responsible for managing, investing, and distributing the property in the Trust. Depending on what your goals are for your trust, you can name a single Trustee or multiple ones.

Who Can Serve As A Trustee
The Trustees of your trust can be yourself, your family members or friends, professionals (accountants, attorneys, etc.), a bank or a trust company, or any combination of these people.
To learn about the role and responsibilities, see our article Duties of a Trustee.
For advice on how to pick someone to serve as a trustee, see our article How to Choose Trustees.
Successor Trustees
If you are naming only a single Trustee, you will want to be sure to name at least one Successor Trustee. In case the primary Trustee that you name is not able to serve for any reason, the Successor Trustee can serve. If you are the sole Trustee you'll also want to name a Successor so that the Trust can continue to be managed after your death.
Revocable Living Trust...
If you're establishing a RevocableLiving Trust, you will likely name yourself as the sole Trustee.
To learn more about this topic check out the following articles: Living Trusts | Revocable Trusts
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