Guide: Products For Seniors Living At Home
Everplans has partnered with to bring you a guide to the most essential home health care products for seniors living at home.

What You Need to Know
The goal of these home health care products is to support independent living, no matter the heath or housing situation. Many of these products can help you modify a home based on your health needs (or the needs of someone you're caring for), such as improving access to bathrooms and beds. Other products support the activities of daily living, such as eating, dressing, bathing, and medication management.
Parentgiving has organized their wide array of products into Buyer Guides to help you get a sense of the types of products available in a given category. Many products have been reviewed by real customers, so you can get a sense of the experiences other customers have had with these products. Their weekly newsletter delivers savings coupons and special deals every week. If you need one-on-one help in choosing or purchasing products, Parentgiving's live customer service is available to assist you during standard business hours.
Bathroom Safety Products
Improving access to toilets, bathtubs, and showers is an important and effective way of maintaining dignity and independence in the home, as well as preventing accidents. Tools such as grab bars, toilet seat risers, shower and tub benches, and hand-held shower heads can all make bathing and using the toilet significantly safer and easier processes.
Bed Rails
Bed rails are tools designed to meet a variety of bed-related safety needs: from preventing nighttime falls to assisting with getting in and out of bed. There are a range of bed rail styles, depending on the type and size of the bed and the nature of your heath and safety concerns.
Bedding Products
New bedding can play a role in terms of comfort and cleanliness. Some bedding products, such as egg crate pads, memory foam mattresses, super-soft sheets, and extra-firm pillows can provide a new degree of nighttime comfort. Other bedding products, such as mattress covers and waterproof sheets, can make it easier to manage incontinence.
Mobility Devices
Choosing the right mobility devices can be one of the most important aspects of maintaining independence. There are a variety of mobility tools, depending on the health situation you're addressing. From walking canes to walkers to wheelchairs, the right choice in mobility device can help renew independence and self-esteem.
Medical Supplies
One of the steps to keeping a safe home is having the right medical supplies on hand. From everyday bandages to deep penetrating heat pads and wraps to antibacterial cleansers and moisturizers, there are many helpful products that can help you or someone you're caring for stay healthy and comfortable.
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